The IJPHA hosts expert educators from around the world!
Check out our list of advanced certificate courses below.
Please note: The current subscriptions year is from Summer 2024 through Spring 2025. You may order back issues as available.
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The IJPHA is in its 13th year of publication!
The International Journal of Professional Holistic Aromatherapy (IJPHA) is a peer-reviewed professional journal dedicated to providing the professional holistic practitioner with useful information and resources to enhance their practice and expand their “toolbox.” The IJPHA is read by aromatherapists, nurses, educators, students, integrative healthcare professionals, research scientists, distillers, and is a resource in university libraries in many countries around the world. The IJPHA is registered with the US Library of Congress.
We welcome your articles and case studies for publication. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us. The IJPHA has signed on with EBSCO, the leading provider of research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, e-books and discovery service to libraries of all kinds. For over 70 years, EBSCO has partnered with libraries to improve research with quality content and technology. Get your articles, case studies and research papers seen!
The IJPHA is growing! Our journals are growing in size and content. In addition, we are now sponsoring educational seminars in Longmont, Colorado to provide even more quality education. Scroll down to see our current offerings below!
$2 of every subscription goes to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital ( and $1 to the Heifer International (

Our Courses
The IJPHA offers advanced educational programs to earn your CEs, featuring educators from around the world to share their expertise in their area of specialty.
An Introduction Aromatic Herbal Medicine: Combining Essential Oils and Herbal Medicines Safely and Effectively - Online
with Vivienne Campbell, BSc, Medical Herbalist
Video Course Online
*plus $87 for the kit​ (optional)

The H.E.A.R.T.S. Process for Pain and Relaxation - Online
with Jonathan Benavides, Psychologist, Clinical Aromatherapist, H.E.A.R.T.S. Instructor

Lora Cantele, RA, APCA, Cert. Aromatic Reflex Therapy
Longmont, CO
We are updating materials to offer this class soon. If you are interested in obtaining your certification as an Aromatic Reflex Therapy Practitioner, please register your interest and we will contact you when the class dates are available. This will be a 2-day, in-person class and requires case studies to be completed post-course to earn your certification to practice.

What do you want to learn about?
Help us to shape upcoming issues! Take our survey today. Tell us what you think.

Case Study Collaborative
The Case Study Collaborative is a joint effort between the Nutraceuticals Research Institute (NRI) and the International Journal of Professional Holistic Aromatherapy (IJPHA) to capture and publish practitioner case studies while collating data for further research. Data collected through this portal will be combined for advanced analysis by Nutriceuticals Research Institute.
The new website can be found at
You are also welcome to send your case studies to

Bec​ome a member of ICAN
The International Clinical Aromatherapy Network (ICAN) is a global platform that has been created for the purpose of connecting professionals in the fields of clinical aromatherapy, aromatic medicine, essential oil science and essential oil research.
It is dedicated to:
Building a strong aromatic community that transcends affiliations to any particular membership organisation.
Facilitating warm, respectful and ​edifying connections between aromatherapy professionals from around the world.
Sharing information, ideas, advice, protocols, guidelines and best practice in clinical care.
Encouraging collaborations between practitioners and healthcare facilities where aromatherapy is an integrative part of supportive or active care.
Providing access to research, evidence-based information, clinical case studies, continuing professional development opportunities and other resources that can inform clinical practice and enhance aromatic care.
Supporting aromatherapists at all stages of their professional aromatic journey.
Offering safe, confidential space for expression between aromatherapy professionals.s about your business, products, or services. Double-click the image on the right to change it. You can also stack more of these blocks to describe items with imagery.
Visit the website.

Case Studies Wanted!
The #1 request by our readers is the sharing of case studies.
Everyone has something to share! Submit your case studies: